Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Okay, we have had a crap load of rain this summer. I am done. I am ready to go up on the roof and do whatever voodoo anti-rain dance that will make it go away. :(

Monday, July 20, 2009

Planning Ahead

Well, I have now seen Christmas decorations in Hallmark and Carlton Cards. It has me thinking about Christmas and who will be getting handmade gifts. Here is my list:


Holy crap, I am going to look at what patterns I have and think about what I want to make for each. I will post a more detailed list as I make it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

PCOS reading

Well, seeing as my OB/GYN has a different definition of PCOS, I have started reading up on it. It seems as though the more I read, the more pissed off I get and the more I feel I need to read. I have decided to book an appointment with my GP to try and get an appointment with an Endro. So I figure by the time I have the actual appointment I will be armed and ready.

To give the condensed version, I feel that I have had PCOS since I was 12, when puberty hit. So, I have lived with TOO MANY years of pain and aggreviation without anyone believing me that something bigger was wrong. Well, now I am taking matters into my own hands. This is one of the RARE times I will say that I wish we had some parts of the American medical system, because then I could call up a doctor and book an appointment myself.

Let the games begin ....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Opening Post

Well, I have decided to start blogging again. If you visit my blog, I hope that you are not too bored by what you read. But really if you are, simply move onto the next website on your list. Cheers